New Look Preview Party
Friday, January 26 | 7pm - 10pm [Doors at 6:30pm]
Tickets $20 | Member Rate: $15
Celebrate the opening of four new exhibitions at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum. With curator-led exhibit previews, staged conversations with our visiting exhibiting artists, a live gallery performance by Jada Brown and an artist-inspired dancehall to close out the night, this is the event to kick off 2024!
Jada Brown
630p - Doors + Bar open
Cash bar and small bites.
630p - Member gallery preview walkthrough
With MMAM Curatorial Team [limited space available, please register here.]
715 - 8p - Staged Social artist conversation
With Mustafah Abdulaziz, Monique Verdin, Karen Goulet and moderated by Mary Jo Klinker
730-8p - Mini Tour with ASMA Artists
Sponsored by the La Crosse Distilling Co.
Mustafah Abdulaziz
815-845p - Mini Tour with ASMA Artists
Sponsored by the La Crosse Distilling Co.
8 - 9p - Gallery performance by Jada Brown with Willows
“10 Minnesota musicians to hear and share…” - The Current
Watch Jada Brown’s music video, Elevated.
9 - 930p - Mini Tour with ASMA Artists
Sponsored by the La Crosse Distilling Co.
9p - DJ Set by DJ Rhumpshaker
Dance the night away
This program is part of the Freshwater New Look Weekend at MMAM, January 26 - 28, 2024.
Online tickets are available until 4pm on Friday, Jan. 26. Limited tickets will be available at the door.
FreshWATER New Look Weekend
January 26 - January 28, 2024
New Look Weekend General Admission Rate: $5 | MMAM Member General Admission: Free
Tickets are required for some programs and events.