Photography Policies


Photography in the Minnesota Marine Art Museum


During Open Hours (10 am to 5 pm)

Personal use photography is permitted in the Minnesota Marine Art Museum, unless marked otherwise.

Commercial or personal photography shoots must be scheduled in advance and require a permit, liability waiver, and a Museum staff escort. Photography must not be disruptive to other visitors, block hallways or emergency exits. The Museum reserves the right to cancel any photography shoot which is deemed to be disruptive to other visitors. For commercial or personal photography inquiries, please contact or 507.474.6626.

No live floral arrangements or any other props are allowed in the galleries. “Selfie sticks” are not permitted in the Museum. Flash photography, additional lighting, and tripods are not allowed without special permission.

For media-related filming or photography, please contact MMAM’s Director of Communications, Caitlin Crouchet at (507) 474-1810 to schedule an appointment.

After Hours/Mondays

Professional or commercial-use photography taken after open hours requires a $50/half hour fee, a scheduled appointment, signed waiver, and proof of insurance. Please contact or 507.474.6626 to arrange.



Photography on Minnesota Marine Art Museum Grounds

During Open Hours (10 am - 5 pm)

Professional or commercial-use photography requires a photography permit. There is no associated fee for a permit during open hours, but photographers must sign a liability waiver. Permits and waivers may be picked up and submitted at the front desk. Please observe the following rules:

  • Stay on the garden paths or pavement at all times. Our gardens include the native prairie grasses, and any trampled grasses will be considered property damage. Do not pick flowers or other vegetation.

  • Please note you are being video recorded by security cameras.

  • Permits allow for the limited use of public spaces only.

  • Photography must not be disruptive to other visitors or block walkways.

  • Publicly shared photos must credit the Minnesota Marine Art Museum as the location.

Groups larger than five people must request a group photography permit through MMAM’s Events department in advance. Contact or 507.474.6626. Additional fees may apply.

After Hours/Mondays

Professional or commercial-use photography taken after open hours requires a $50/half hour fee, a scheduled appointment, signed waiver, and proof of insurance. Contact