Inspire.  Be inspired.  Everyone welcome.

The Minnesota Marine Art Museum + River Arts Alliance are coming together to bring you a monthly informal artist exchange - a chance for artists and creatives from across a variety of mediums to gather for inspiration, exploration and exchange at the museum. Each month, a member from River Arts Alliance,  a nonprofit that supports and celebrates regional arts and culture, hosts a 90-minute artist meet-up and conversation with an artist, maker, designer, writer, or another creative person.  

The event will begin by gathering in the atrium at MMAM and meeting their artist host. The group will then a take a short inspirational tour of the museum (identifying a couple of signature pieces to spark conversation, chosen by your artist guide), and continue with a meet-up in the Oberton Education Room for inspiring conversation that ranges from anything from technique, to who’s making what, to sales strategies, and other opportunities.   

Registration for each event is required, and space is limited to 25 attendees per program. Register at the link below.


Upcoming artsXchange events:

previous Events: